Monday, May 12, 2014

Work #5: Cells of light: mood lamp

Nature is often considered to be random designs and patterns but it can actually be modeled and generated with a mathematic model. We may observe this in the voronoi diagram, which is a decomposition of a given space.


Inspired by voronoi that originates in the building block of life commonly called cells, I tried to emulate them thru my design. Cells are the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms, the light will escape from one lighting source to create a controlled chaos. The game played by the light and the shadow gives naturalness, character and pleasant light where required, creating a feeling mood of relaxation. Allowing the user to feel as if he was really close to nature since the shape of the shade is derived from the living matter.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Work #4:Koolacaps

These accesories are ideal to prevent your kids from suffering of sunstroke after a long exposure to the sun. Thanks to the gel located inside you can be at ease, when your kids go out for an outdoor activity on a sunny day. This working was done in collaboration with my groupmates Iris Chan and Alexey Afanasyev.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Work #3: Hu Shi's tic tac toe

 This public monument is done to honor a Chinese philosopher called Hu shi. It is actually a didactic tic tac toe, you have to match the  the excerpts, poems and concepts of education of Hu Shi, with the help of the different color font.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Work #2: A fashion accesory: BAG

This bag is designed to make a fashionable girl's life easier. You can carry outside, with an easy access the key to your house, your octupus card and it has a special holder for your earphones.
Special thanks to Eva Tam.

Work #1: Create a new PC unit for numerous families for Apple

The concept of this PC unit is that not all the information of all the family members is stored in the same place. Each finger of the PC has a specific memory data and USB port where each member of the family stores it's personal information.